
“Such poetry, prose, delicate tender thanks Andia for helping us heal, hearing these words, seeing this thing you’re sharing, has brought to our attention, our eternal dimension. Thank you, gratitude.”

—Lucidah Anderson, Brisbane

  • return to the fold

    Seek out her centre

    Her pulsing veins

    Sand patterns created by waves

    Textured bark, carved with her name

    Living love letters written in the clouds

    A symphony of pure beauty in bird sounds

    Mother Nature awaits you with open arms

    Surrender body and soul to her many charms.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • phoenix from the flames

    Our collective feet are being held to the fire

    When they go low, we must rise higher

    Like the Phoenix from the flames

    Releasing fear and pain

    The fire is intense but will bring positive change

    Remember restoring love is the reason you came

    Have faith, laugh, love, breathe

    Take care of yourself, your loved ones and believe.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • the flood

    Days of rain unrelenting

    Rivers bursting, branches bending

    Mirrored puddles, mudded earth

    Mosquitoes endlessly giving birth

    A new day begins

    The air pulls the water tight,

    forming a skin

    Wrapping around the river and

    mountains, mysterious, luminescent, enshrouding.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • A Common thread

    Nature, human and non-human, is characterised by patterns and interconnectedness.
    Some are awe inspiring, others more nefarious.

    These pattens create the patchwork that shapes the tapestry of life.
    Those who want us to stay cold and divided brutally hack into this blanket with a knife.

    Severing sense making and meaning. Cutting it to shreds until the original patchwork is imperceivable.

    Every now and then they throw us tiny scraps.
    Cleverly buried under the brightly coloured buttons, designed to distract.

    It’s vital to save those discarded rags from the cutting room floor.

    They hold the common thread that will unravel the lies, sew the fabric of society back together and restore

    Words & images © A.Cally 2022

  • Ebb & flow

    The ebb and flow

    Goes out and in

    Leaving its mark on sandy skin

    Golden arteries weave in water

    The life blood of the shore

    Swirling, surging then retreating

    The pulse of the ocean is always beating

    Leaving its mark before receding

    Reinventing, recycling, rebirthing

    We can learn so much from Mother Earth.

    Words & images ©A.Cally 2021


    It’s time to mend our bridges

    Bridge the gaps

    Cultivate compassion and curiosity

    Dispense with slander and senseless attacks.

    Let’s offer forgiveness and practice love

    Rise above our ego

    Raise each other up

    Let’s listen with an open heart and mind

    Let’s rebuild trust.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2022

  • dare to dream

    Let’s dare to dream of a future founded on common unity.
    Grounded in nature, connection and opportunity

    A world where unlimited creativity is encouraged.
    Where food is homegrown, organic and nourishing

    A place where nature and nurture are at the root of all medicine.
    Where children’s education ignites their imagination
    Where we can cultivate stillness and peace through daily meditation

    Imagine and dream it into being.
    Remember that you have the power if you believe.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2022

  • The flame of freedom

    Misinformed, manipulated and misrepresented by mainstream media
    Maligned and marginalised by governments as extremist, right wing fascists for being pro-choice, pro-alternative voice.

    Muzzled by masks and social media. Manhandled by police.
    Made redundant and restricted in where we shop and eat.

    Made into scapegoats, sidelined and segregated, as the wrong object of public hatred.

    Moved by the unity and bravery of a loud and persistent minority who despite being denied a seat at the table unwaveringly question authority.

    Mindful and grateful that the darkness is being exposed and those in power will be deposed.

    That the mundane, meaningless grab for more and the overt agenda on tell ‘a’ vision, is being replaced by a deep connection with community, nature and spiritualism.

    Marked by the flame of freedom that burns bright in our hearts and souls and how they are helping re-mind us what really matters in their push for control.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • cleansing

    Rain, relentless, unremitting

    Roaring into every space, displacing, unforgiving

    Rioting and rampaging through the night

    Creating new paths, refusing to be quiet

    A torrent of tears, of rage and grief

    For a planet and people neglected and mistreated

    When the rising tide recedes, we must prepare for the removal of more insidious weeds.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • Shed your skin

    Shed your skin, your judgment, your need to know
    Strip back the layers until you reach bare bone

    Remember your true essence, the love within, connecting us all through time immemorial as kin

    Come out of hiding and seek your own truth
    That place of pure consciousness, beyond the chaos and imprisoning beliefs

    It’s time to get raw, to get real
    To be vulnerable, to express and heal
    To realise that while our time on earth is fleeting
    Our ability to connect with pure consciousness means we will forever be.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • Nature's splendour

    Dust off your rose-coloured lenses

    So you can revel in nature’s splendour

    Budding, blooming, and bursting with love

    Constantly reminding you that you have enough.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • towards togetherness

    Be human
    Be kind
    Be both

    Let’s tear down walls
    Let’s stop throwing stones
    Save them to pave the uncharted road
    Let’s stand together and face the unknown

    What will kill us is not the virus or the vaccine
    It’s the suspicion and judgements that come in between
    Creating billions of walking wounded, unheard and unseen
    Let’s open our hearts and turn off our screens

    United we stand
    Divided we fall.

    Words and images © A.Cally 2021

  • What we will sacrifice to survive?

    When did we become so afraid of death that we stopped living?

    How did we so easily surrender the right to make our own decisions?

    Dictated to by talking heads on our televisions

    Blind to how their agenda engenders otherness and division

    How quickly were connection, compassion and forgiving replaced by panic buying, fear and derision?

    When did we agree it’s ok to ban singing, dancing, natural medicine and spiritualism?

    Why can’t we be with the sick and the dying? Why is the sharing of all information denied? Why are these masks that hide our expression, an important part of non-verbal connection, also muzzling free debate and encouraging repression?

    Are we willing to sacrifice quality over quantity? Enforced compliance over sovereignty?

    When did we forget that not everyone is safe at home? Some have no shelter, are abused or alone.

    What other privileges can be denied?

    How much are we willing to sacrifice to merely survive?

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • Be part of the solution

    Mother Nature’s tears are storming our streets

    After years of abuse, neglect and defeat

    Listen to the drumming of her grieving heart

    As greedy men plunder her, ravage her and tear her apart

    Don’t be complicit to the violence

    Call out the bullying, break the silence.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • Lifecycling

    From fecundity to fragility

    From embryo to empty nesters

    From full to the brim to merely shell and skin

    From finding your tribe to struggling to survive

    We are all peas in a pod, spirit in a body

    Until one day we are not.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • Aerial artists

    Stealthy assassins, aerial artists

    Sending their prey into eternal darkness

    Invisible silken coffins suspended in mid-air

    Spell a sticky end for the unaware.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • criss cross

    Criss cross, we intersect
    We are one with nature
    But then forget

    Tangled in tawdry
    Blindsided by ordinary

    We forget ourselves
    We forget the world

    Mother Nature never forgets
    Each day she sends us living love letters

    Open your eyes, come back to your senses
    And you too can remember.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021

  • Unfurling

    Release, stretch out, unfurl

    Claim your space in this world.

    Resist restriction by embracing expansion.

    Express your truth and take a stand.

    Inhabit the present, learn from your past.

    Imagine a future you’d love—hold it close, hold fast.

    Remember how full your glass is

    Even when you feel parched and dry lipped =

    Breathe through your blocks, mental and physical

    Commune with your inner guides, get spiritual.

    Slow down, feel your feet on the ground, immerse in nature

    Trust that once the darkness lifts a bright new day awaits you.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2022

  • Aftermath

    The Mud Monster is on the attack
    Oozing chaos, deleting tracks

    Smothering and suffocating the earth Bloating her body like a water-logged corpse.

    Clogging her veins, cracking her oxygen-deprived skin
    All signs of life swallowed by the muddy mouth with the toothless grin.

    The foreboding silence
    Only punctuated by bloodsuckers
    foretelling more acts of violence.

    The crawling, clawing smell of death
    Hangs on the menacing monster's putrid breath.

    Words & images ©A.Cally 2021

  • The long road to freedom

    Struggling to strike the right balance between blissful ignorance and knowledge that is power but not necessarily empowering

    Between staying informed but not alarmed, trying to soothe my inner child who is contracted and cowering

    Remembering to breathe, keeping the faith, truth will out, maintaining belief
    Followed by flashes of rage, betrayal and grief

    Disheartened by division, mistrust and disunity, not only from the powers that were, but within likeminded community

    Crippled by guilt for not doing more
    Not feeling battle ready to join the war

    Wishing I knew how and when this story ends
    Knowing that when it does there will be many battle wounds to tend.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2022

  • beauty in decay

    Roasted, charred trees
    Ravaged by fire and disease

    Their leafy crowns surrendered
    To fiercely burning embers

    Their stark ghostly frames
    A permanent reminder of the flames

    Beautiful skeletal forms
    Offer habitat for many living souls.

    Words & images © A.Cally 2021